Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The Top 3 Things You Should Consider for Your Business Name and Logo

For this post I thought I'd share what I think are 3 important things to consider when it comes to naming your business.

1. Make it quick

Except for maybe some law firms there are few business that I can think of that have names which take more than a second to say. Company names like Nike, Apple, Pepsi, Sony, Boeing and so on are all single words that just roll of the tongue. And that's very important because in the world which we live in today, everything is fast. Fast food, instant delivery, fast cars, instance messaging and online banking are all ways in which we speed up our lives. Your name has to not only catch the eye, but be short enough that the average person will have the time to say it in their head or out load. Just like the ones below. Otherwise it'll become just another piece of irrelevant writing passing by.

Image from 'Why Choosing the Right Business Name is Important' by Samantha Hurst

2. Make it exciting

Like I said before, your name should be as short as possible to get people to actually read it. This is only part of the story however. While short names encourage people to read, attractive and eye catching presentation allows them to remember. Imagine for a moment that every logo was grey. It would be hard to pay attention to any particular one wouldn't it? Well that's what you have to consider when you design your business logo. It has to be not only pleasing to the eye, but eye catching. This can be achieved with the right colour or shape combinations and appropriate sizing of each component. For further information I would consult someone who has visual marketing experience. In short, your logo/name shouldn't just be short and sweet, but good looking as well.

3. Make it flexible

The number one way to avoid messing yourself around later on is to avoid creating a company name that represents one product or items you sell. It needs to be a brand name, not a product name, otherwise you run the risk of later on having to rename your company because you want to make products x,y and z rather than just x. This isn't as important for logo creation, as often you can change the logo slightly, much like Google has being doing with their logo for the last 17 years (see video below)

So there you have it, 3 important things you should consider when designing your business logo and name to help make it powerful and accessible for your potential customers. Hopefully it comes in use some day!

Thanks as always for reading and if you have any thoughts, please post them in the comments section below.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Put Your Brain Into It

Those of you who do not like the sight of brains LOOK AWAY NOW!!  YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!

Now that that's out of the way I want to use this blog to share some thoughts on this social media post that I saw not too long ago. I'll continue below so just read it first.

Image URL: http://asapscience.tumblr.com/post/87226887951/shawnali-medicalschool-the-human-brain

That image above is virtually the same as you. A brain that contains within it everything that you are and will control everything that you do for the rest of your life. Of course you are in control (sometimes debatable), it is your brain, but it still is non the less wondrous to consider the significance of that one piece.

We think of things like soldiers, politicians, the celebrity superstars of our times. People admire them and aspire to be them. And yet when it boils down to it, they all have the same looking brain that you do. Its an image that speaks to not just how fragile we are, having one piece of ourselves that at the moment we can never change, but also how we are all so alike. Without going overboard we are one and the same and the image above really affirms that.

To link it a bit to business and entrepreneurship. Many would consider entrepreneurs to be a different breed of person, someone who is characteristically different to the majority of the business world. I'd confidently say that for some, they feel like they can't make it for themselves and that they couldn't possibly succeed. But why? I have a brain and you have a brain. Richard Branson and Bill gates also have brains (although with Bill Gates and the last few windows operating systems I'm not 100% sure). None the less, if one day you happen to think you want to make a change in your business life, but doubt you can do it, just look at that image above and you'll see that anyone can achieve anything. You just have to put your mind to it.

Thanks again for reading and as always, if you have any thoughts or ideas on this topic please post in the comments section below.