Monday, August 31, 2015

It's Important To Have Faith, And I'm Not Talking About God

A quick one for you today:

A fundamental pillar in the halls of entrepreneurship is the belief in ones' ideas.

Speaking of my own experiences with my business that I'm trying to get started, I have had people tell me that my idea has been done and that I should move on. That what I'm trying to do is not worth it, and that I should think of something else. It is of course extremely important to always at least listen to feedback. There often are pieces of valuable information being given when someone critics your idea. In fact some of the biggest changes we have made and some of the best innovations we have come up with have been born out of other peoples comments on what we are trying to do.

On the other hand I have had 3 out of 4 people representing larger institutions tell me that what I want to offer will address a long term issue they have had are a willing to test the product once its been built. The person who said they didn't need it still said it was a good idea.

So just as in life its important to have a little faith sometimes and believe in your idea. More than that, you need to take the blows and envision your grand idea because a vision is something to aim for. The road towards success is not an easy one.

Here is one of those cliche motivational videos. You don't have to watch it, just listen to it because what it says speaks true to the challenges of being an entrepreneur and I think that for some of you reading this, it may inspire you to get up and keep going with whatever business or idea you think can become a success.

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